
Special Planning Needs

Children Emergency planning for children requires extra thought and preparation to help everyone manage a stressful situation. Elderly Older individuals are one of the most at-risk groups when a disaster happens. Make sure to plan for a number of age-related issues so an emergency situation is less challenging. People with Functional and Access Needs When […]

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Riesgo Químico

Un riesgo químico ocurre con la liberación accidental o intencional de productos químicos peligrosos. Los productos químicos pueden ser peligrosos para los seres humanos, las mascotas, el ganado y el medio ambiente. Las liberaciones químicas pueden ser involuntarias, como en el caso de un accidente industrial, o intencionales, como en el caso de un ataque

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Los planes de emergencia para personas con necesidades funcionales y de acceso

Los niveles de independencia entre este grupo de personas varían.  Algunas pueden ser independientes en su casa cuando cuentan con modificaciones estructurales o aparatos para la movilidad como sillas de ruedas o andadores.  Otras pueden tener una independencia limitada que requiere la asistencia de un cuidador de tiempo parcial o completo. Al hacer planes de

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Emergency Planning for Individuals with Functional and Access Needs

Individuals with functional and access needs vary in their level of independence.  Some may be independent in their home environment with the addition of structural modifications and/or mobility devises such as a wheelchair or walker.  Others may have limited independence requiring the assistance of a part-time or full-time caregiver. In emergency planning for individuals with

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Chemical Incident

A chemical incident occurs with the accidental or intentional release of hazardous chemicals. Chemicals may be hazardous to humans, pets, livestock, and/or the environment. Chemical releases can be unintentional, as in the case of an industrial accident, or intentional, as in the case of a terrorist attack.  Many different types and categories of hazardous chemicals

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Cómo practicar su plan de emergencia

Preparar a su familia para un desastre implica algo más que la creación de un plan. Cada miembro de la familia, especialmente los niños, debe saber exactamente qué hacer durante una emergencia. A continuación, le presentamos algunas sugerencias útiles para transmitir a su familia la importancia de estar preparado ante un desastre. Designe roles. Asigne

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Extreme Heat

Exposure to extreme heat can create serious health problems, resulting in a condition known as heatstroke. Usually the elderly, the very young, those with other health conditions, and those without access to air conditioning or a source for hydration are most severely affected by heat. Symptoms of heat exposure complications: Heavy sweating Muscle cramps Weakness

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Explosions can be accidental or intentional. Depending on the location and contents of the exploded object, hazardous chemicals, radiation, or biological agents may be released into the surrounding area, which may be hazardous to humans, pets, livestock, and/or the environment. Know the risks for your community: Do you live near a chemical, gas, fertilizer, or

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Practicing Your Emergency Plan

Preparing your family for a disaster involves more than just creating a plan. Each family member—especially children—needs to know exactly what to do during an emergency. Here are some helpful suggestions to communicate the importance of disaster preparedness to your family. Designate Roles. Give everyone in your family a responsibility. Each family member is an

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Be Informed

Natural disasters can occur randomly. Man-made disasters can be just as unpredictable. No matter where you live in Texas, it’s important to learn about the potential hazards near you to get ahead of what’s ahead. Natural Disasters Unpredictable Incidents – Intentional & Accidental Mental Health Part of being prepared is being well informed about disasters.

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