

On this page What to Do Before a Wildfire What to Do During a Wildfire What to Do After a Wildfire Wildfires are common in Texas, especially after periods of drought. They can spread quickly and produce dangerous smoke, threatening property, lives and health. Help reduce your risks by learning how to respond. What to […]

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Prepare un Plan

Prepare un plan Su familia podría no estar junta al suceder un desastre. La mejor manera de mantener a todo el mundo seguro es hacer un plan de emergencia adelantado. Cómo preparar su plan de emergencia Cuándo hay que hacer planes especiales Cómo practicar su plan de emergencia Los desastres pueden ocurrir de repente, así

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Disaster Supply Checklist

On this page Food and Water First Aid, Medication, Hygiene Communication, Lighting, Document Bag Items Add These Items for Evacuating by Car Add These Items for Sheltering in Place First-Aid Kit Emergency Documents People with Disabilities and Those with Access and Functional Needs Pet Supplies Build your kit all at once or step-by-step. Start with

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Emergency Planning for the Elderly

Older individuals are among the most at-risk when a disaster happens. When making emergency plans, be sure to consider how a disaster situation may threaten or aggravate the health of an elderly person: Create a special contact sheet containing a complete medical history and important information for emergency/rescue personnel, such as: Emergency contact information Allergies

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On this page What is a Hurricane? What to Do Before a Hurricane What to Do During a Hurricane What to Do After a Hurricane Stay Informed with Weather and Disaster Alerts What is a Hurricane? A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone, the generic term for a low pressure system that generally forms

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Build A Kit

Build A Kit Being prepared for the unexpected brings peace of mind. Build a kit with the essentials your family and pets will need if you must shelter in place or evacuate. Disaster Supply Checklist No matter the type of disaster, you will need to have food, water, and essential supplies for your family and

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Los planes de emergencia para personas con necesidades funcionales y de acceso

Los niveles de independencia entre este grupo de personas varían.  Algunas pueden ser independientes en su casa cuando cuentan con modificaciones estructurales o aparatos para la movilidad como sillas de ruedas o andadores.  Otras pueden tener una independencia limitada que requiere la asistencia de un cuidador de tiempo parcial o completo. Al hacer planes de

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Emergency Planning for Individuals with Functional and Access Needs

Individuals with functional and access needs vary in their level of independence.  Some may be independent in their home environment with the addition of structural modifications and/or mobility devises such as a wheelchair or walker.  Others may have limited independence requiring the assistance of a part-time or full-time caregiver. In emergency planning for individuals with

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Chemical Incident

A chemical incident occurs with the accidental or intentional release of hazardous chemicals. Chemicals may be hazardous to humans, pets, livestock, and/or the environment. Chemical releases can be unintentional, as in the case of an industrial accident, or intentional, as in the case of a terrorist attack.  Many different types and categories of hazardous chemicals

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