
Build A Kit

Build A Kit Being prepared for the unexpected brings peace of mind. Build a kit with the essentials your family and pets will need if you must shelter in place or evacuate. Disaster Supply Checklist No matter the type of disaster, you will need to have food, water, and essential supplies for your family and

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Radiation Incident

Nuclear power plants use heat generated from nuclear fission in a contained environment to convert water to steam, which powers generators to produce electricity. Nuclear power plants operate in most states of the country. Nearly 3 million Americans live within 10 miles of an operating nuclear power plant. Although the construction and operation of these

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Emergency Planning for Children

Age is an important factor to consider when making your emergency plans: Is the child able to walk?  Require a stroller?  Or have other mobility concerns? Is the child able to communicate injuries or concerns? Is the child old enough to drive? Will you need to pack additional diapers, food, or baby care items? What

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Helping the Elderly Recover

Studies show older adults take longer to recover from a catastrophic event than others. Health problems, fixed incomes, and lack of awareness about disaster assistance are all contributing factors. The elderly are also a preferred target of fraudulent contractors. During the aftermath of a disaster, it’s important to be supportive of older family members and

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Las explosiones pueden ser accidentales o intencionales. Dependiendo de la ubicación y el contenido del objeto explosivo, se pueden liberar productos químicos peligrosos, radiación o productos biológicos en la zona circundante, lo cual puede ser peligroso para los seres humanos, las mascotas, el ganado y el medio ambiente. Conozca los riesgos para su comunidad: ¿Vive

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Emergency Planning for Pets

Pets require special planning consideration both when sheltering in place or evacuating. When planning for pets during a disaster, consider Food and water needs. Your pets will require water for hydration—at least one gallon per day, per animal. If you need to evacuate, consider: Pet supplies such as food, medications, special needs Identification tags Crating

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Make a Plan

Make a Plan Your family may not be together when a disaster happens. The best way to keep everyone safe is to make an emergency plan ahead of time. How to Make a Plan Special Planning Needs Practicing Your Emergency Plan Disasters can happen suddenly, so knowing where your family is and how to communicate

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